
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wild Blood 1.1.1 (Online+Offline) APK+SD DATA

Wild Blood v1.1.1 (Online/Offline) APK+SD DATA files
Requirements: Android 2.3 and up 
Size: 22 MB + 650 MB 
Type: Arcade & Action
Game Review:
Gameloft has harnessed the power of the revolutionary Unreal Engine to bring unimaginable battles in real-time, full 3D graphics.
Live the unforgettable journey of Sir Lancelot as you never have before!

What’s new in this version: 
- New multiplayer mode: Juggernaut
- One player is the Juggernaut and everyone else has to hunt him down! The Juggernaut gets special powers and is bigger than all the other players. Kill him and you become the new Juggernaut!
- New multiplayer map: Haunted Castle
- 3 new weapons: The Excalibur Sword, Twin Axe Crystal Blades and The Reckoning Longbow
- King Arthur armor now available
- Improved camera and controls with custom settings
- Bug fixes

screenshots (click to enlarge)


  1. Brotherrrrrr muyyy buenaaa paginaaaa solo un problemm todoss los linkk de laa partee 3 estaan caidoss no es q te jodaa pero creeess q puedas resubirloss o passarme un link de la misma parteee a y no pasariaa nada si descargo la misma parte pero q pese masss???????????

  2. Brotherr muyy buenaa pagina pero todoss los link de la partee 3 estan caidoss creess q puedass resubirossss xD o pasarme el linkk

  3. Part 3 links in MP mode don't work.

  4. Updated.Don't Forget to say thanks!!!!
